Social Media

9 Tips On How to Create Engaging Social Media Posts

  13 Dec 2022

Social media platforms enable us to interact with one another, share information and connect with brands in a variety of ways. As a result, it has become critical for firms to prioritize their social media strategy.

However, this is easier said than done.

Most social media marketers and business owners understand how difficult it is to regularly develop compelling material, especially if you need to post every day to stay current and reach your target demographic.

Furthermore, there are approximately 3.8 billion subscribers on various social networks. And the number of people who own mobile devices is rapidly increasing.

With the correct technique, businesses may reach millions of potential clients who are actively engaged on these platforms.

So, here are some pointers to help you develop compelling content for your target audience

1. Use less text and more video

Have you ever stopped browsing through social media to read a large wall of text? Probably not, even if you appreciate the account from which it comes. But I'm sure you lose interest and continue scrolling if you do.

This story's message must be clear and obvious. If you're marketing your company on social media, make it a point to include an image or video with every post.

Create something unique for your brand. In this manner, you can hit the essential points for creating a post-trend. Post photographs or videos that speak to your target demographic, and watch the number of likes and comments grow.

2. Stop using stock photographs

It's time to quit utilizing stock photographs in your social media posts. But why is that? They're so easy to find and look great, right?

Be it the social media influencer or social media marketing agencies in Bangalore, they all will advise you to stop using stock photos. Stock photos, on the other hand, do not perform as well as authentic images. As a result, they are detrimental to SEO. Visitors who see the original photograph are 35% more inclined to sign up.

According to a recent study, 62% of shoppers responded that high-quality product photos were critical in their purchasing choice

Here are three ideas for creating social media images:

  • • Recruit a local photographer to shoot photographs that correspond to your editorial calendar.
  • • If you're just starting out, you can get by with a high-spec smartphone and a few simple props.
  • • Check that your photos fit the text that surrounds them. Photos should be used to summarize concepts and drive home arguments, not just to break up the text.

3. Use the power of stories

People live on stories, particularly those that move them.

It is simple to tell a user how fantastic your brand or product is. Instead, challenge yourself to demonstrate the product in use. Create a relatable character that will resonate with your audience, establish their conflict, and show readers how the character solved the problem.

Storytelling may be used on all social media sites, albeit some are more suitable than others. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram allow for longer-form storytelling, but Twitter has a stricter character limit.

Including these five aspects can be a wonderful place to start when it comes to reaching your target audience in various ways:

  • • Select a likable character
  • • Present the most important elements first.
  • • Introduce a conflict
  • • Tell a story that the audience will like hearing
  • • Keep your story genuine

In short, use stories to make your material more meaningful and compelling. If you are looking for a creative agency in Bangalore to craft engaging stories as part of a social media campaign then Digistart is the right choice for you.

4. Make it relevant

Customers enjoy reading content that is personally related to them, whether it is amusing, sad, enraging, or realistic.

Memes are popular because they attract attention to things that irritate, amuse, or make people thankful to be alive.

How can you make your postings more relevant to your target audience?

  • • Address a customer's concerns
  • • Keep up with current events (national holidays, festivals, current trends, etc.)
  • • Emotional appeal
  • • Share personal experiences

To connect with your audience, use relatable situations in visually imaginative ways. You can also develop more relevant content by reviewing your competitors' most engaging postings

5. Make use of user-generated content (EGC)

If you're running low on social media content ideas and need something fresh and new, ask your staff to contribute their thoughts.

Employee-generated content (EGC) can increase customer trust in a business, bring a new perspective, and help relieve the load of the social media manager.

EGC should be implemented by:

  • • Making use of employee-led social media campaigns
  • • Allowing individuals to share their professional and personal experiences
  • • Requesting a week's worth of postings for each quarter
  • • Allowing them to make clips that educate people about the product or service you're selling

Finally, do not make your staff participate in your social media strategy. You might not receive the greatest outcome. Instead, encourage enthusiastic employees who are comfortable creating social media material to engage.

6. Share customer testimonials & reviews

Consider the following scenario: You are going to purchase a new product but want to learn more about it first.

Well, 78% of people trust online reviews, and 67.7% believe it influences their shopping decisions - honest and descriptive evaluations are important to businesses. In fact, 72% of consumers will not buy a product until they first read a review on it.

If you're a marketer, evaluations from satisfied consumers are powerful magnets at your disposal. Highlighting positive consumer feedback about your products and services is a terrific approach to demonstrate that people like and trust your business.

And, while you've most likely already posted them on your website and blog, don't forget about social media. Choose your greatest testimonials and reviews, format them into understandable chunks, and write engaging captions to accompany them.

7. Find the graphic trends that work

So you want to share a lot of visuals on social media. But first, you must determine which graphics work and which do not.

To find out, search for visual trends on social media platforms and Google. You can also examine your social media metrics and insights to determine what has performed effectively in recent months.

Here's how it's done:

  • • Visit the most repined page on Pinterest. This page displays the most popular pins among users.
  • • Examine your competitors' hashtags and look for hashtags related to your industry to determine which ones perform well.
  • • Search Google for popular image trends. You may learn about picture trends by browsing top-ranking websites, such as the ones in Canva's recommendations
  • • View your Facebook and Instagram data to understand how your most recent posts performed in order to adapt your forthcoming social media plan.

8. Use the right #Hashtags

Hashtags might be difficult to master. However, when used effectively by marketers, hashtags can put your material in front of a far larger audience.

But keep in mind that hashtags do not work the same way on all social media platforms. For example, they get a lot of activity on Instagram but not so much on Facebook

9. Repurpose your old content that garnered significant views

Did you know that visual information is remembered 65% longer than text? Repurpose your finest evergreen content as infographics, charts, graphs, and social media visuals to capitalize on this.

Keep the following tips in mind when developing graphics:

  • • Highlight the important aspects of your article.
  • • To make your material more shareable, use quotes or restate your essential arguments.
  • • To generate high-quality graphics, use tools and templates from platforms such as Canva and Piktochart.

P.S.: Are you running a small business or starting your brand? You might need more specialized social media marketing service agency. Choose Digistart - one of the top social media marketing services in Bangalore.. It provides a complete package of marketing and conversion services, including social media marketing services, content marketing, lead generation services, and ORM services in Bangalore..

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